Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Verbs and their passive form

I wrote a few sentences in order to review passive form. I find it to be one of the more difficult grammar points in the Korean language.

Some verbs can be changed into a passive form by adding:  -이/하/리/기
Here's a list of active/passive verbs.

Note:  If you're studying for TOPIK - intermediate there's usually only one question in the grammar that tackles this concept directly.  If you want you can memorize the passive forms of common verbs.  In my opinion it's more important to simply be able to recognize the format when you come across it while reading.  There are other/easier ways to make verbs passive, such as -게 되다 or 아/어지다.

verb:  물다 - to bite - 
passive form:  물리다 - be bitten

ex)  아이가 강아지에게 물렸다.
The child was bitten by the puppy.
verb:  먹다 - to eat
passive form:  먹이다 - to be eaten

제가 가지고 왔던 케이크를 다 먹였네요.
The cake that I brought was all eaten.
verb:  걸다 - to hang
passive form:  걸리다 - to be hung

저기 걸려 있는 시계는 얼마예요?
How much for the clock that's hanging there?
쌓다 - to pile
쌓이다 - to be piled

눈이 많이 쌓여서 운전할 수 없는 모양이에요.
The snow is all piled up so it's looking like it won't be possible to drive.
보다 - to see
보이다 - to be seen

집 뒤로 보이는 산은 너무 아름답습니다.
The mountain that can be seen behind the house is beautiful.
바꾸다 - to change
바뀌다 - to be changed

선생님께서 일정이 바뀌었다고 말씀하셨다.
Teacher said that the schedule had been changed.

Monday, April 8, 2013

87% of consumers say 'I'll reduce spending'

소비자 87% “앞으로 소비 줄이겠다”

KBS News - 4/8/2013
Link to original story here.

대한상공회의소는 최근 서울과 수도권 소비자 5백 명을 대상으로 장바구니 동향 조사를 한 결과 앞으로 소비를 줄이겠다고 답한 사람이 86.8%로 나타났다고 밝혔습니다.

소비를 줄이려는 품목으로는 남성의 경우 오락과 취미,스포츠 분야가 가장 많았고 의복과 음식료품, 컴퓨터 등이 뒤를 이었습니다.

여성은 의복, 음식료품, 화장품 등의 순이었습니다.
Useful terms and expressions:

소비자 - consumer
소비 - consumption, spending
대한상공회의소 - Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry
수도권 - metropolitan area
...을 대상으로 - the object of a study
동향 - trend
장바구니 - shopping basket
조사 - survey, investigation
품목 - item
오락 - entertainment
취미 - hobby
의복 - clothing
음식료품 - food and beverages
화장품 - cosmetics

My translation of the story:

The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry conducted 'shopping basket' trend research targeting 500 consumers in Seoul and its metropolitan area and found that 86.8% of consumers said that they plan to reduce future consumption.

The most common things that men plan to reduce future spending on include items related to entertainment, hobbies and sports.  These were followed by clothing, groceries and computers.

Women said that they'll reduce spending on clothing, groceries and cosmetics (in that order).

Saturday, April 6, 2013

TOPIK - 10 Grammar points that you're sure to see on the intermediate level exam

한국어능력시험 중급에 자주 나오는 문법

Here are 10 grammar points that you're sure to see on the TOPIK exam (intermediate level).  I wrote three examples for each grammar point.  I wrote the sentences using lower level vocabulary so I didn't feel a need to write English translations.

I posted them on Haru Korean to have them proofread.

By the way, Haru Korean is a great website for learners of Korean.  You can post unlimited sentences in Korean and have them checked by Korean native speakers (it costs $6 per month).

Note:  AV: Action Verb; DV: Adjective; V: AV or DV; P: Past; N: Noun

1. AV었/았/했다가 - Do an action followed by a contracting action.
  • 그 정장을 샀다가 마음에 안들어서 반품했어요.
  • 친구의 집에까지 운전했다가 피곤해서 집에 돌아왔습니다.
  • 아이에게 탄산음료를 못 마시게 하려 했는데, 아이가 울어서 음료를 주었어요.

2.  AVㄹ/을 겸 ... (AVㄹ/을 겸) - Expresses purposes of equal importance.  Just using the grammar once implies that you're listing just one (but there are others).  
  • 커피를 마실 겸 공부도 할 겸 여기에 왔어요.
  • 샤워를 할 겸 해서 사우나에 왔어요.
  • 한국 음악을 감상할 겸 해서 한국어를 공부하고 있어요.

3.  AVㄹ/을 뿐만 아니라 - P-AV 었을 뿐만 아니라 - Not only this, but also that.
  • 제주도에 갔는데 날씨가 추웠을 뿐만 아니라 비가 많이 왔어요.
  • 어젯밤에 맥주 3병뿐만 아니라 소주 1병도 마셨어요.
  • 이 카페는 조용할 뿐만 아니라 (파는) 커피가 너무 맛있어요.

4.  AV느라고 - Because I did this (1st clause), I can't do that (second clause).
  • 어제 맥주를 마시느라(고) 오늘 배탈이 났어요.
  • 오늘 아침에 늦게 일어나느라고 아침을 못 먹었어요.

5.  V았/었던 - It's used to modify a noun, that you dealt with once in the past.  For example 갔던 식당 "A restaurant that (I) went to once in the past"

Very important note:  If something occurred often in the past, use V던.  For example: 자주 가던 카페 "A cafe that (I) went to often in the past"
  • 지난 주말에 갔던 삼겹살 식당에 다시 갑시다.
  • 어젯밤에 봤던 영화 제목이 뭐예요?
  • 지난 주말에 했던 요가를 어떻게 하는지 다시 보여 주세요.

6.  Vㄹ/을까 봐(서) - PV었을까 봐(서) - Speaker is worried about first clause, so does second clause.
  • 한국어능력시험에 합격 못할까봐 열심히 공부했어요. 
  • 미국에 돌아온 후에 뚱뚱해질까봐 규칙적으로 운동해요.
  • 동남아 여행을 할 여유 없을까봐 돈을 절약했어요.

7. V기는커녕   N은/는커녕 - Not only is the first clause untrue/impossible but neither is the second, more realistic, clause.
  • 포도주를 사기는커녕 소주도 살 여유가 없는데요.
  • 한국어능력시험 4단계에 합격하기는커녕 2단계도 합격하지 못해요. 
  • 횟집은커녕 천원밖에 없어서 김밥천국도 못 가요.

8.  AV느니 - The second clause isn't ideal but it's still better than the first clause.
  • 스타벅스는 값이 비싸니까 거기에 가느니 차라리 집에서 인스턴트 커피를 먹자.
  • 재래시장에서 고기를 사느니 좀 비싸도 신선하니까 이마트에서 사요.
  • 6시간 운동하느니 매일 30분만 하는 게 더 좋대요. 

9. AV는 대신(에) - PV/AVㄴ/은 대신(에) - Second clause instead of first clause.
  • 한국어를 배우기 위해서 서강대에서 공부하는 대신에 연세 한국어 학당에 가기로 결정했어요.
  • 돈을 절약하기 위해서 아웃백에서 먹는 대신에 피자를 샀어요.
  • 오늘 공부하는 대신에 영화를 볼까?

10.  AV지 말고 - Don't do first clause, do second.
  • 자지 말고 공부하도록 하세요.
  • 단어를 외우지 말고 문장을 써 보세요.
  • 그 노트북을 사지 말고 맥북을 사라고 말했어요.

Monday, March 25, 2013

TOPIK Exam - suggested reading

For those of you taking the TOPIK exam in April, here are three news articles that you may find especially helpful.

Read the article and try to figure out what the main idea is before looking up words or looking at the translation.

The reading section is one of the hardest sections on the exam because you don't have a lot of time to read everything.  A good way to practice is by reading these articles quickly and at least figuring out what the main idea is, even if you don't know what everything means.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

TOPIK Test Soon: 4/20-4/21

For those taking the upcoming 30th TOPIK exam, intermediate level, I decided to put some helpful information together.

First off, for some basic information about the test and its format visit the official TOPIK website.
(view the English version of the website by changing the language in the top right corner of the page)

The TOPIK exam is divided into four categories:  Vocabulary/Grammar, Writing, Listening and Reading.

You might find the following resources useful in preparing for each section:

Vocabulary/Grammar Section
  • Haru Korean - post unlimited sentences and have them checked by native Korean speakers
  • Talk To Me in Korean - check out the "Iyagi" series, it's excellent for intermediate level listening practice
  • For more advanced level listening check out Korean news websites such as MBC.  Many feature news clips along with transcripts. 
  • My blog, kimchireading, is an excellent way to improve reading skills.  Works very well on smart phones!
  • Integrated Korean by Hawai'i Press is excellent for reading.  
By the way, it's too late to sign up for this test.  The next one will be offered on 7/21 in Korea only.